Looking for the perfect wedding day glow – but without looking like an
From gels, lotions and sprays, to wipes and pro-tans, check out the top 5 from Consumer Research
Here are a few tips for a fool-proof application:
The perfect self tan starts here with proper preparation!
1. Exfoliate dry skin with gloves or a washcloth. (Don't forget to shave your legs while you're at it!)
2. Apply a water-based moisturizer so the skin will absorb the tanner evenly.
3. Grab the gloves! Protect your manicure by applying sunless tanner throughout your body. When finished, apply a dab of self tanner to just the tops of your hands and run them together.
-Wipe down elbows, knees and heels with a dry wash cloth. Gently buff in a circular motion.
- To blend scares from previous sun-damage or acne, take a q-tip and gently buff the area.
- Chill out and let it set in. If you are applying before bed, be sure to slip in silk pajama tops and pants to protect sheets. Most self tanners take 8-12 hours to set in.
- Buff heels and finger tips where self tanner may have been absorbed.
- Don't forget to change your make-up. You may need to up your foundation or spot treatment one step to match your new skin tone.
- Sun screen is still a must! Just because you have on self-tanner, doesn't mean you won't burn.
If your self-tanning treatment went astray, no worries! Its an easy fix. Don’t stress – draw a nice, warm bubble bath and soak. Afterwards, be sure to exfoliate with a washcloth. If that doesn’t work, mix together some lemon juice and sea salt. Gently rub. Rubbing alcohol also works well.
Test Drive
Give this a try 3-4 weeks before your wedding to make sure you applied it correctly and are satisfied with the results. No matter how fabulous you are at applying, do NOT do this the night before your wedding. You will risk getting tanner on your dress, and if you do end up with a not-so-perfect application, exfoliating on wedding day will make for red, irritated skin! Big no-no!