Escort cards are one of the first things guests receive when they enter your wedding reception. Therefore they should make a statement!
Your statement doesn't have to be expensive. It can be creative with a DIY, easy project.
In order to create the perfect escort card, you need to know what it is. An escort card is a way of guiding your guests to their assigned table. It usually includes both couples names. For a formal event, it would include their proper titles:
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
Table Nine
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Kime
Table 9
For informal or casual settings, escort cards can be first and last names:
John and Kathy Smith
Table Nine
Ed and Liz Kime
Table 9
If the couple is not married, you list the lady's name first, with the man's name below:
Ms. Kathryn LaPointe
Mr. John Smith
Table 9
All escort cards should have last names with a suffix, ("Jr.", "III", etc.) when necessary and be organized alphabetically.
If you are choosing to assign the seat of your guest at each table, then you will need a place card. The place card has one name per card, vs. the escort card has two names (or one name if attending solo). The place card can be on a menu, or tied to the napkin, placed on a glass, chair or above the plate. No matter where it is, it must be visible and easy to find to avoid confusion and delayed seating. If its too complicated it could delay the time your dinner is served, thus your food will be sitting under a warmer or in a
hot box continuing to cook and dry out.
One final tip: make a few extra "blanks" in case you need to change the seating arrangement, someone brings an unexpected guest, or you have a guest that didn't RSVP.